The Olympics of Activewear: Gold Metal Edition

The Olympics of Activewear: Gold Metal Edition

While I've enjoyed watching the Olympics, I realize I can't make any profound statements about sports. I will never write for Deadspin or ESPN women. While I spent one semester on the basketball team in middle school, I am very much aware I'm not an athlete. That being said, I take group fitness classes four to five days per week. That's at least worthy of a participation  metal, right?

Speaking of competition, I’m finding lately my group fitness classes are becoming way more competitive, at least in terms of what people are wearing. Especially in Los Angeles, even a dark spin class can feel like a sexy fashion show. While no one should feel obligated to get dressed up to workout, I actually find it motivating. I love any excuse to wear something that isn’t just comfortable, but flatters my body and makes me feel good. Seriously, this trick works.

Here are some of my favorite pieces, some of which I currently own and several of which are currently on sale (yay!).  Click the photos or bolds for shopping links. 

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Seasonal FOMO, Wardrobe Anxiety and Getting #OOTD Ready With My Favorite Jewelry From Sterling Forever

Summer Hostess Gifts

Summer Hostess Gifts