So Last Week... Things I Read That Are Totally Worth Your Time

So Last Week... Things I Read That Are Totally Worth Your Time

Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a good weekend. Here are some thought-provoking things I read online last week. Okay, so techically I did't read all of these posts because I'm including a podcast here. But this is my blog, so I get to make up the rules. #GirlBoss

The Perpetual You: How I Transformed My Heart Chakra by Dani Havasy

Dani Havasy (who is one of my IRL best friends) writes a beautiful essay about opening up her heart chakra. Even if you have no idea what a chakra is (seriously it's okay if you don't, no judgements), you will relate to her story. Dani recently launched Core Chakra, an innovative fitness program that combines yoga and pilates. 

Style Scouting Podcast With Alia Ahmed-Yahia

I really like Alia Ahmed-Yahia's Style Scouting Podcast. This episode features an eye-opening conversation with Katie Sturino and Allison Neslage about influencers and the body positivity movement. While anyone will find it interesting, bloggers will particularly enjoy the "inside baseball" aspect of this discussion. 

Lenny Letter: Untitled And That's The Point! by Nicole Richie

Nicole Richie pens a funny and fearless essay for Lena Dunham's website. Having recently turned 35, Nicole reflects on her identity at various life stages and learning from her past mistakes. So many of us, myself included, allow the labels other people give us to influence the way we perceive ourselves. Nicole candidly discuss how she overcame this problem. Bookmark this link. If you don't read it now, you will need to at some point. I've always been a fan of hers and this is just another example of why.

Who What Wear: Try Sienna Miller's Outfit When You're Over Your Skinny Jeans

I saw a link to this post on Facebook and wanted to jump for joy because I'm always trying to find new inspiration for casual looks. However, the headline is misleading because (SPOILER ALERT) Sienna isn't wearing jeans at all. Either way, you will want to copy this great idea.

My Domaine: Are You Making These Rookie Decorating Mistakes?

It doesn't matter if you live in a studio apartment or sprawling estate, we're all trying to make the most of the space we have. This list features smart but simple ideas to instantly improve all of the rooms in our home without spending a dime. 

Dresses to Decor: Trina Turk Edition

Dresses to Decor: Trina Turk Edition

F- It Fridays: Your Weekly Dose of Retail Therapy (Neutral Edition)

F- It Fridays: Your Weekly Dose of Retail Therapy (Neutral Edition)